Quick Conditional Formatting

The SharePoint Org Chart Web Part allows page creators to set up to six rules that can change the color of an individual box on the organisation chart depending on the condition of that rule.

Rules consist of 4 parts. A Field, an Operator, a Value and a Color

The supported Operators are listed below.

The Rule Operators

  • Disabled - This rule will not run.
  • Between -  Is the Field is between two Values. Values are separated by a comma.  For example 10, 15 or 1-jan-2011, 1-apr-2011  
  • Contains - Does the Field contain the Value.  This is case-insensitive.
  • EndsWith - Does the Field end with the Value.  This is case-insensitive.
  • EqualTo - Does the Field equals the Value. Values can be a number, text or date.
  • GreaterThan - Is the Field greater than the Value.  Values can be a number or date.
  • GreaterThanOrEqual - Is the Field greater than the Value.  Values can be a number or date.
  • InList - Does the Field contain one of the Values.  Values are separated by a comman.  For example Red, Green, Blue, Black.
  • IsEmpty - Is the Field empty
  • IsFalse - This is the style of line used to join the assistant to the chart. It can be Solid, Dotted or Dashed.
  • IsTrue - Does the field evaluate to True.  Is it "Yes", 1 or True
  • LessThan - Is the Field less than the given value.  Values can be a number or date.
  • LessThanOrEqual - Is the Field less than or Equat to the value.  Values can be a number or date.
  • MatchesRegexp - Does the Field match the Regular Expression.  See Regular Expressions for more details.
  • NotEqual - Does the Field not equal the given value.
  • StartsWith - Does the Field start with the Value.  This is case-insensitive.


Rules are applied on a First Rule Wins basis.

Previous Knowledge

The page developer has created an Org Chart using the styling properties exposed in the Chart Items property section.

Whilst this is good for quickly presenting an atractive chart simple colour coding can bring the chart to life and allow easy visualisation of complex data.

Quick Conditional Formatting

Enter Page Edit mode and select the Edit Web Part menu item on the SharePoint Org Chart.

Open up the Quick Conditional Formatting Rules property section. The web part allows the page developer to define 5 individual rules. Each rule is defined by setting a Field which is a column in the SharePoint list or database query that the organisation chart is drawn from an Operator which is chosen from the operator drop down list. A value which can be a number, date or text. Some operators use a list of values. Each value in the list should be separated by a "," for example MyItem1, MyItem2, MyItemX

A Color is selected from the final drop down list. This is the color that the background of the item will be set to if the rule is evaluated as true.

Example Rule #1

The first rule in the example checks that the Title ( Field ) is EqualTo ( Operator ) Manager ( Value ).

The page developer has choosen Green as the color to be applied if the rule is evaluated as true.

Once the rule has been applied the two managers Josh and Choi are shown in green.

Example Rule #2

The next rule checks the Person ( Field ) to see if it EndsWith ( Operator ) ie ( Value ). If so the boxes will be drawn in Red ( Color ).

Pressing apply changes Freddie, Sammie and Billie to red.

Example Rule #3

The next rule tests the Person ( field ) and uses the InList ( operator ) to see if it contains either Tom, Hannah, Blythe ( Value )

If so the color is set to blue.

Final Notes

Rules are applied on a First Rule Wins basis.

The final colored chart can be seen below. Adding colors to the organisation chart can make it easy to visualise trends and data.

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